Ready to join Facebook, the world’s most popular social network? Setting up an account is easy! Social networks use your existing email address as your proof of identity, and Facebook is no exception. If you have a Google Gmail account, that’s handy, because Gmail is accepted at all major social networking sites. But any email address will work. Use your web browser to visit You’ll see a login screen, ready and waiting for your details!
Enter your first name, last name, and email address. You’ll need to put in your email address again, as confirmation. Choose a password – it needs to be at least eight letters long. Facebook will ask you to enter a couple of words to prove you aren’t a robot, then you’re signed up and ready to go! Before you get to the main Facebook page, you’ll have the option to try to import friends from your email address. Now you can enter a few items for your profile page – you can to skip this and come back to do it later if you like.
- The sign-up process will ask for personal details for your Profile page – you don’t have to provide these if you don’t want to.
To complete sign up, upload a photo of yourself as your profile picture. This makes it easier for your friends to find you on Facebook – you want them to pick the right John Smith, after all!
Finding and adding friends
When you first create a Facebook profile, it’s pretty much a blank slate. Nothing much will appear on your Facebook homepage – so you need to add some friends. Friends can be people you know personally, public figures such as entertainers or politicians, organisations, companies and even brands. You can think of Facebook as a sort of high-tech radio: you tune it in to the people and things you want to follow. Log in to your Facebook account, and type a friend’s name in the Search bar. A list of people with that name will appear. The people at the top of the list are either geographically closest to you, or already friends with someone else you know.Type someone's name to see if they're on Facebook.
You can send private and public messages to friends on Facebook. Messages that everyone can view are posted onto your Facebook 'Wall'.
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