Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Horizontal elevators

Now this is something new ...
For those who already don't like elevators this adds a whole new dimension!

Horizontal, cableless elevators to enter testing in 2016 | The Verge:

Download: Malwarebytes

MalwareBytes - a long time favourite of mine ...
Download of the day: MalwarebytesFree MalwareBytes is a great start when you suspect malware may be lurking in your PC.

Download of the day: Malwarebytes | News | TechRadar:

New NBN Rollout Plans

Some updated NBN Rollout Plans ...
NBN Co, under direction of the current Government, has completed it revised "Multi Technology Mix" method of fibre rollout. Now it will be a mixture of fibre-to-the-premises and fibre-to-the-node. 

NBN releases construction plan - Computerworld:

Android Apps on a Windows PC

So you want to run Android Apps on a Windows PC ...
Checkout this tutorial and the suggested software at your own risk!

Tutorial: Google Play Store and All Apps on Your Windows PC:

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Chrome OS adds Android apps

Chrome OS making inroads into the Google Play Store ...
androidappsonchromeThis brings the total number of apps available across Chrome OS and Android to 40.

Chrome OS gets another batch of Android applications |

Nokia Reveals The Android N1

Nokia soon back into consumer devices ...
Whilst Nokia is not allowed to sell smartphones until 2016 there is nothing stopping it from designing, building and selling Android tablets!

After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First | TechCrunch:

iOS 8 v Android Lollipop

Interesting comparison between iOS 8 and Android 5.0 ...
In the past, the two operating systems were largely distinguished by features and polish, but that has changed.Some interesting thoughts when comparing Apple's iOS 8 and Google Android 5.0.

iOS 8 v Android Lollipop: so similar, yet so far apart:

Android 5.0 Lollipop

Detailed review of Android 5.0 (Lollipop) ...
I make no apologies for this very long and detailed review of Android 5.0 (Lollipop). It is an excellent article and well worth reading if you are buying a new Android smartphone that will be running Android 5.0. This new version of Android is really quite different and this article may help you get familiar with the new OS if you are updating from a smartphone running Android 4.x.

Android 5.0 Lollipop, thoroughly reviewed | Ars Technica:

Monday, 29 December 2014

Dropbox Updates Interface

Dropbox makes file sharing easier ...
I hope that Dropbox can survive the battle between Microsoft and Google to see can offer more free cloud storage! Dropbox is good because it is so fast!

Dropbox Updates Web Interface For Easier Sharing | TechCrunch:

Chromebooks Rule Schools

Evidence that Chromebooks are getting traction at last ...
Many people really don't need a full Windows (or Mac) laptop and I really wish they would seriously consider a Chromebook.

Google’s Chromebooks Rule Schools As IDC Pegs Them As Top Sellers In K-12 | TechCrunch:

Microsoft’s CEO Thoughts

Some insights in Microsoft's future direction ...
Makes interesting reading! I am still not convinced they know where they are going!

Microsoft’s CEO Breaks Down The New Soul Of His Company | TechCrunch:

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Google Drive Works Better

A neat new extension for Google Drive ...
Allows you to open a non Google Docs file with a standard "Open With" menu option - assuming of course that you have the appropriate app installed.

Google Drive Now Works Better With Desktop Applications | TechCrunch:

Google’s LEGO-Style Phone

Google's Project Ara is taking shape ...
ara bootWorth a look at progress so far. It certainly seems to be taking shape and may be Prototype 2 to be launched mid January 2015 will be really something to think about. 

Here’s What Google’s LEGO-Style Phone, Project Ara, Looks Like Right Now | TechCrunch:

Windows 10 - Slideshow

A peek into the look of Windows 10 so far ...
In Pictures: What you'll love and hate about Windows 10See whether you are going to be interested to upgrade to Windows 10 when available late 2015.

In Pictures: What you'll love and hate about Windows 10 - Slideshow - Computerworld:

Free One Minute Int Calls

Something else for free from Google ...
gone in 60The first 60 seconds of an International Hangouts call is free and then costs a few cents per minute from then on. The free 60 seconds is just as long enough to say "meet me on Hangouts or Skype or whatever"!

Google Now Lets You Make Free One Minute International Calls | TechCrunch:

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Google's USB Security Key

A new alternative for 2 Step Verification ...
Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 11.15.24 PMFor some this will provide a more convenient method for 2 step verification than having to enter another generated code.

Google Launches USB Security Key Support To Keep Accounts Safe | TechCrunch:

Ambulance Drones

A new form of Ambulance for quick response ...
This short video is well worth a look! 

This Ambulance Drone Can Fly Into Trouble With First Aid | TechCrunch:

Sundar Pichai’s Ascension

Sundar is the man with a key decision to make ...
Does Android merge with Chrome OS or not? Now that both are under his control it is most definitely his decision to make! We may know the answer by the end of 2015!

Sundar Pichai’s Ascension At Google Could Herald New Platform Unification | TechCrunch:

Will Android & Chrome marry?

This marriage would have some serious implications ...
chrome-androidI am not as convinced as the author that this marriage will occur in 2015. If and when this marriage occurs it would effectively mean that Chromebooks would become Android tablets with keyboards, much like the ASUS Transformer and other similar products.

Will Android and Chrome marry? | ZDNet:

My PC almost carked it

That dreadful moment when you fear the worst ...
I wouldn't kiss that: you don't know where it's been.Some very worthwhile lessons to be learnt, particularly for small businesses, in this article about a serious virus attack.

My computer almost carked it:

Google Inbox impressions

New Inbox gets a lot of support ...
Whilst I have used the new Google Inbox for a while I am still not convinced whether I prefer it over normal Gmail. I like Inbox on my smartphone but prefer the original Gmail on my tablet and laptops/desktops. Whilst you can use either on any device, Inbox encourages you to mark items as "done" which just archives them. I prefer to bin or trash items if I don't want to see them ever again. I presume archiving items slowly consumes your free storage area.

Google Inbox impressions: Bundle of (mixed) joy | Ars Technica: