Monday, 13 October 2014

Password Manager flaws

Password Managers can also be hacked ...
Just worth noting that even well known Password Managers can have flaws leaving themselves open to the unscrupulous! To be fair, most quickly fixed the flaws once they were pointed out.

“Severe” password manager attacks steal digital keys and data en masse | Ars Technica:

Google first $1 trillion company?

Big things anticipated for Google over next few years ...
Broader range of products ... Google’s latest prototype self-driving vehicle. Picture: EPCertainly Google has its fingers in many pies these days! If just a few of these endeavours pay off then Google may be the first $1 trillion company!

Google, not Apple, tipped to be world’s first $1 trillion company:

Hangouts Now Dedicated App

Google Hangouts gets even easier to use ...
This new Chrome App makes Hangouts readily available for those using Windows PCs and Google Chromebooks. I must give it a try!

Google Hangouts Is Now A Dedicated App For Chrome OS And Windows PCs | TechCrunch:

Monday, 6 October 2014

Microsoft device share just 14%

An interesting set of statistics for Microsoft ...
Worth a read! A very different situation to only a few years ago!

Microsoft gets real, admits its device share is just 14% | Computerworld:

Intel Broadwell vs Haswell

How Intel's tick-tock development process works ...
HaswellNew generation Broadwell transistors will be 14 nm (nanometers) whilst a human hair is about 90,000 nm! There are now more than 1 billion of these small transistors in modern CPUs!

Intel Broadwell vs Haswell: What's new in Intel CPUs? | News | TechRadar:

A chat with Microsoft's CEO

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and his new directions ...
Lumiamain1_1020Nadella is really changing Microsoft's direction and mindset. I think Microsoft needs to do this and they certainly have some catching up to do but that is not impossible!

A chat with Microsoft's CEO: why Apple and Google haven't won yet | The Verge:

Chromecast mirroring

Useful Chromecast update for some smartphones ...
Later model smartphones will be able to mirror their screens on a TV equipped with Chromecast. Unfortunately my HTC smartphone is just too old!

Chromecast update finally allows mirroring from your phone or tablet | The Verge:

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Microsoft hits turbo button

Microsoft's plans for rapid release software ...
windows 10 feedback appAn ambitious release plan from Microsoft could be the next big headache for enterprise and consumer alike. It is one thing changing the Chrome browser on a 6 week cycle but changing the Microsoft Windows 10 Operating Systsem on a similar cycle!

Windows 10: Microsoft hits a turbo button to get back to business | The Verge:

Windows 10 Continuum

Windows 10 - Mouse & Fingers magic ...
Microsoft hopes that its "Continuum" design will handle the switching of behaviour as the hardware changes. For example, when removing the keyboard from a Surface Pro, Windows 10 will reconfigure automatically to use touch commands. The video in the article is a bit hard to follow but you probably get the idea!

Here’s How Windows 10 Will Make Your Mouse And Fingers Get Along | TechCrunch:

Closeup of Windows 10

More details of Windows 10 contents ...
Windows10startmenu5_1020_verge_super_wideWhilst it is good that Microsoft is returning to a more Windows 7 style there are several new additions outlined in this Verge article. I hope Windows 10 is not going to be too complicated for the average consumer to get his/her head around!

A closer look at Windows 10 | The Verge:

Windows 10 its official

Windows news we have been waiting for ...
 First of two or three articles concerning this big announcement. It is really interesting to watch the video given by Microsoft's Joe Belfiore. Listen carefully to this well crafted presentation. This time Microsoft is is going to involve its users as it finalises Windows 10 over the next 12 months.

Windows 10 is the official name for Microsoft's next version of Windows | The Verge: