Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Horizontal elevators

Now this is something new ...
For those who already don't like elevators this adds a whole new dimension!

Horizontal, cableless elevators to enter testing in 2016 | The Verge:

Download: Malwarebytes

MalwareBytes - a long time favourite of mine ...
Download of the day: MalwarebytesFree MalwareBytes is a great start when you suspect malware may be lurking in your PC.

Download of the day: Malwarebytes | News | TechRadar:

New NBN Rollout Plans

Some updated NBN Rollout Plans ...
NBN Co, under direction of the current Government, has completed it revised "Multi Technology Mix" method of fibre rollout. Now it will be a mixture of fibre-to-the-premises and fibre-to-the-node. 

NBN releases construction plan - Computerworld:

Android Apps on a Windows PC

So you want to run Android Apps on a Windows PC ...
Checkout this tutorial and the suggested software at your own risk!

Tutorial: Google Play Store and All Apps on Your Windows PC:

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Chrome OS adds Android apps

Chrome OS making inroads into the Google Play Store ...
androidappsonchromeThis brings the total number of apps available across Chrome OS and Android to 40.

Chrome OS gets another batch of Android applications |

Nokia Reveals The Android N1

Nokia soon back into consumer devices ...
Whilst Nokia is not allowed to sell smartphones until 2016 there is nothing stopping it from designing, building and selling Android tablets!

After Divorcing Microsoft, Nokia Reveals The N1, An Android Tablet Hitting China First | TechCrunch:

iOS 8 v Android Lollipop

Interesting comparison between iOS 8 and Android 5.0 ...
In the past, the two operating systems were largely distinguished by features and polish, but that has changed.Some interesting thoughts when comparing Apple's iOS 8 and Google Android 5.0.

iOS 8 v Android Lollipop: so similar, yet so far apart:

Android 5.0 Lollipop

Detailed review of Android 5.0 (Lollipop) ...
I make no apologies for this very long and detailed review of Android 5.0 (Lollipop). It is an excellent article and well worth reading if you are buying a new Android smartphone that will be running Android 5.0. This new version of Android is really quite different and this article may help you get familiar with the new OS if you are updating from a smartphone running Android 4.x.

Android 5.0 Lollipop, thoroughly reviewed | Ars Technica:

Monday, 29 December 2014

Dropbox Updates Interface

Dropbox makes file sharing easier ...
I hope that Dropbox can survive the battle between Microsoft and Google to see can offer more free cloud storage! Dropbox is good because it is so fast!

Dropbox Updates Web Interface For Easier Sharing | TechCrunch:

Chromebooks Rule Schools

Evidence that Chromebooks are getting traction at last ...
Many people really don't need a full Windows (or Mac) laptop and I really wish they would seriously consider a Chromebook.

Google’s Chromebooks Rule Schools As IDC Pegs Them As Top Sellers In K-12 | TechCrunch:

Microsoft’s CEO Thoughts

Some insights in Microsoft's future direction ...
Makes interesting reading! I am still not convinced they know where they are going!

Microsoft’s CEO Breaks Down The New Soul Of His Company | TechCrunch:

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Google Drive Works Better

A neat new extension for Google Drive ...
Allows you to open a non Google Docs file with a standard "Open With" menu option - assuming of course that you have the appropriate app installed.

Google Drive Now Works Better With Desktop Applications | TechCrunch:

Google’s LEGO-Style Phone

Google's Project Ara is taking shape ...
ara bootWorth a look at progress so far. It certainly seems to be taking shape and may be Prototype 2 to be launched mid January 2015 will be really something to think about. 

Here’s What Google’s LEGO-Style Phone, Project Ara, Looks Like Right Now | TechCrunch:

Windows 10 - Slideshow

A peek into the look of Windows 10 so far ...
In Pictures: What you'll love and hate about Windows 10See whether you are going to be interested to upgrade to Windows 10 when available late 2015.

In Pictures: What you'll love and hate about Windows 10 - Slideshow - Computerworld:

Free One Minute Int Calls

Something else for free from Google ...
gone in 60The first 60 seconds of an International Hangouts call is free and then costs a few cents per minute from then on. The free 60 seconds is just as long enough to say "meet me on Hangouts or Skype or whatever"!

Google Now Lets You Make Free One Minute International Calls | TechCrunch:

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Google's USB Security Key

A new alternative for 2 Step Verification ...
Screen Shot 2014-09-28 at 11.15.24 PMFor some this will provide a more convenient method for 2 step verification than having to enter another generated code.

Google Launches USB Security Key Support To Keep Accounts Safe | TechCrunch:

Ambulance Drones

A new form of Ambulance for quick response ...
This short video is well worth a look! 

This Ambulance Drone Can Fly Into Trouble With First Aid | TechCrunch:

Sundar Pichai’s Ascension

Sundar is the man with a key decision to make ...
Does Android merge with Chrome OS or not? Now that both are under his control it is most definitely his decision to make! We may know the answer by the end of 2015!

Sundar Pichai’s Ascension At Google Could Herald New Platform Unification | TechCrunch:

Will Android & Chrome marry?

This marriage would have some serious implications ...
chrome-androidI am not as convinced as the author that this marriage will occur in 2015. If and when this marriage occurs it would effectively mean that Chromebooks would become Android tablets with keyboards, much like the ASUS Transformer and other similar products.

Will Android and Chrome marry? | ZDNet:

My PC almost carked it

That dreadful moment when you fear the worst ...
I wouldn't kiss that: you don't know where it's been.Some very worthwhile lessons to be learnt, particularly for small businesses, in this article about a serious virus attack.

My computer almost carked it:

Google Inbox impressions

New Inbox gets a lot of support ...
Whilst I have used the new Google Inbox for a while I am still not convinced whether I prefer it over normal Gmail. I like Inbox on my smartphone but prefer the original Gmail on my tablet and laptops/desktops. Whilst you can use either on any device, Inbox encourages you to mark items as "done" which just archives them. I prefer to bin or trash items if I don't want to see them ever again. I presume archiving items slowly consumes your free storage area.

Google Inbox impressions: Bundle of (mixed) joy | Ars Technica:

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Chromecast Capabilities

Some great personalisation from Chromecast ...
chromecastI have not yet tried this but it should be good!

Chromecast Now Lets You Use Your Own Photos As Its Wallpaper | TechCrunch:

Bring back the dumb TV

Interesting perspective on Smart TVs ...
Roku Streaming Stick 847pxI tend to agree with the sentiment expressed in this article. I find my suer interface of my LG Smart TV to be very clunky. I would rather select what I want to watch on a tablet or smartphone and then display it on the TV using Google Chromecast.

Bring back the dumb TV | The Verge:

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Google Security Improvements

Google is trying to focus users on account security ...
A new Google Apps dashboard gives users a log of devices used to access their account, including any currently signed inDefinitely encourage everyone who is seriously into Google accounts to regularly run through the Wizard referred to in this article.

Google to Apps users: take more responsibility for protecting your accounts - Computerworld:

Download of the day: CCleaner

CCleaner - one of my favourite tools ...
Download of the day: CCleanerStandard tool for cleaning up slow PCs. Equivalent to spring cleaning the larder and throwing away all the out-of-date items, damaged items, ones you no longer eat etc!

Download of the day: CCleaner | News | TechRadar:

Nope for Your Webcam

Interesting security idea for the paranoids ...
Great idea if you want to make sure you are not being spied on but think using sticky tape over you built -in webcam looks stupid!

Nope Looks Dope If You Don’t Want Your Webcam Spying On You | TechCrunch:

Google Chromecast Is The Top

Chromecast has certainly proved popular ...
Some interesting statistics regarding Chromecast.

Google Chromecast Is The Top “Connected Device” App | TechCrunch:

Monday, 24 November 2014

Telstra’s nationwide WiFi

Telstra Wi-Fi initiative about to get underway ...
As expected some Telstra Wi-Fi hotspots have been brought on line this month.

Telstra’s nationwide WiFi network to start up in November - Gadget Guy Australia:

Google drones in Queensland

Google drone happenings in Queensland ...
A tailsitter craft operated as part of Project Wing.Interesting story associated with Google drone testing in outback Queensland.

Google drones tested in Queensland:

Cortana vs Siri vs Google Now

Video comparison between Cortana, Siri & Google Now ...
Cortana vs Siri vs Google NowLittle old now but still an interesting comparison as at that time!

Cortana vs Siri vs Google Now video: Voice command competition | BGR:

Thousand Micro Robots

Robotics with a difference ...
Watch the video to get an insight into what a swarm of tiny robots looks like!

Watch A Thousand Micro Robots Self-Assemble Into Wild Shapes | TechCrunch:

Chrome Bookmarks Extension

Not sure about this Google Chrome Extension ...
google bookmark managerHad a play with this new Google Chrome Extension for Bookmarks but not convinced it is an improvement. I will persevere a little longer!

Google is revamping bookmarks in Chrome with a new extension | The Verge:

Google Calendar Gets Smarter

Fresh new look for Google Calendar ...
Still getting used to the new look. There has been some criticism but generally I think it is an improvement!

Google Calendar App Gets Smarter And Prettier | TechCrunch:

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Why I’m deserting iOS

Android now is winning over the iOS users ...
Android-640Android has matured and developed to a point that Apple's iOS is playing catchup. Combined with the restrictive Apple ecosystem, iOS users are starting to shift to Android.

Why I’m deserting iOS for Android | TechCentral:

Chromecast Turns One

Chromecast has certainly made its mark ...
Google's Chromecast has opened up a whole new market with lookalikes coming from every quarter!

Google’s Chromecast Turns One, Boasts Over 400M Casts To Date | TechCrunch:

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Android's grows to 85%

Android's continued growth really is amazing ...
Android's smartphone market share grows to 85%, iPhone falls to 11.9%Smartphone shipments up 27% from a year ago to 295 million. Android accounted for 85% and although Apple's iPhone increased sales, its proportion dropped to 11.9% from 13.4%. Meanwhile Microsoft's Windows share is down to 2.7%.

Android's smartphone market share grows to 85%, iPhone falls to 11.9% - IBNLive:

Windows 8's below Vista

Windows 8 really has proved to be a flop ...
Whilst these figures are a few months old now it is still worth seeing the comparisons between Windows 8 and Windows Vista. It is also pretty scary that Windows XP is still 27% of all Windows PCs!

Windows 8's uptake falls again, now slower than dud Vista | Computerworld:

Windows 10 Attracts 1M Testers

Hopefully Microsoft listens to the feedback this time ...
This is a really good move by Microsoft. At least this time the users will get the chance to look, try and comment before it gets set in stone!

Windows 10 Attracts 1M Testers In Two Weeks | TechCrunch:

Google Maps in Arabian desert

The Google Maps camera doesn't look stable to me ...
Google Street View CamelI guess it had to happen eventually! Not sure how the driving directions go!

Google put its Street View camera on a camel's back to tour the Arabian desert | The Verge:

Wunderlist & Dropbox Connect

My favourite 'To-Do List" app integrates with Dropbox ...
Wunderlist now integrates with Dropbox so that you can link files directly to tasks.

To-Do App Wunderlist Links Up With Dropbox, Its First Integration | TechCrunch:

Photoshop For Chromebooks

Chromebooks to get Adobe Photoshop capability ...
Adobe is serious about running its applications from the cloud. Now all Chromebooks will have a serious photo editor like Photoshop.

Adobe Brings Photoshop For Chromebooks To Its Education Customers | TechCrunch:

Monday, 13 October 2014

Password Manager flaws

Password Managers can also be hacked ...
Just worth noting that even well known Password Managers can have flaws leaving themselves open to the unscrupulous! To be fair, most quickly fixed the flaws once they were pointed out.

“Severe” password manager attacks steal digital keys and data en masse | Ars Technica:

Google first $1 trillion company?

Big things anticipated for Google over next few years ...
Broader range of products ... Google’s latest prototype self-driving vehicle. Picture: EPCertainly Google has its fingers in many pies these days! If just a few of these endeavours pay off then Google may be the first $1 trillion company!

Google, not Apple, tipped to be world’s first $1 trillion company:

Hangouts Now Dedicated App

Google Hangouts gets even easier to use ...
This new Chrome App makes Hangouts readily available for those using Windows PCs and Google Chromebooks. I must give it a try!

Google Hangouts Is Now A Dedicated App For Chrome OS And Windows PCs | TechCrunch:

Monday, 6 October 2014

Microsoft device share just 14%

An interesting set of statistics for Microsoft ...
Worth a read! A very different situation to only a few years ago!

Microsoft gets real, admits its device share is just 14% | Computerworld:

Intel Broadwell vs Haswell

How Intel's tick-tock development process works ...
HaswellNew generation Broadwell transistors will be 14 nm (nanometers) whilst a human hair is about 90,000 nm! There are now more than 1 billion of these small transistors in modern CPUs!

Intel Broadwell vs Haswell: What's new in Intel CPUs? | News | TechRadar:

A chat with Microsoft's CEO

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and his new directions ...
Lumiamain1_1020Nadella is really changing Microsoft's direction and mindset. I think Microsoft needs to do this and they certainly have some catching up to do but that is not impossible!

A chat with Microsoft's CEO: why Apple and Google haven't won yet | The Verge:

Chromecast mirroring

Useful Chromecast update for some smartphones ...
Later model smartphones will be able to mirror their screens on a TV equipped with Chromecast. Unfortunately my HTC smartphone is just too old!

Chromecast update finally allows mirroring from your phone or tablet | The Verge:

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Microsoft hits turbo button

Microsoft's plans for rapid release software ...
windows 10 feedback appAn ambitious release plan from Microsoft could be the next big headache for enterprise and consumer alike. It is one thing changing the Chrome browser on a 6 week cycle but changing the Microsoft Windows 10 Operating Systsem on a similar cycle!

Windows 10: Microsoft hits a turbo button to get back to business | The Verge:

Windows 10 Continuum

Windows 10 - Mouse & Fingers magic ...
Microsoft hopes that its "Continuum" design will handle the switching of behaviour as the hardware changes. For example, when removing the keyboard from a Surface Pro, Windows 10 will reconfigure automatically to use touch commands. The video in the article is a bit hard to follow but you probably get the idea!

Here’s How Windows 10 Will Make Your Mouse And Fingers Get Along | TechCrunch:

Closeup of Windows 10

More details of Windows 10 contents ...
Windows10startmenu5_1020_verge_super_wideWhilst it is good that Microsoft is returning to a more Windows 7 style there are several new additions outlined in this Verge article. I hope Windows 10 is not going to be too complicated for the average consumer to get his/her head around!

A closer look at Windows 10 | The Verge:

Windows 10 its official

Windows news we have been waiting for ...
 First of two or three articles concerning this big announcement. It is really interesting to watch the video given by Microsoft's Joe Belfiore. Listen carefully to this well crafted presentation. This time Microsoft is is going to involve its users as it finalises Windows 10 over the next 12 months.

Windows 10 is the official name for Microsoft's next version of Windows | The Verge:

Monday, 29 September 2014

Bending New Mobile Phones

Apple iPhone 6 Plus not so rigid as some ...
6 plusThis has become a major news item! I don't know why they keep saying this might happen in a trouser front pocket. I would have thought it was back pockets of tight jeans that were the more likely place for this to happen!

Bending All The Phones: iPhone 6 vs. HTC One M8 vs. Moto X | TechCrunch:

Free Windows 9 For Some

Microsoft might regain some good will ...
The suggestion that Windows 9 might be FREE for Windows 8 users and cheaper for Windows XP users could definitely regain some goodwill towards Microsoft. Even if it came true, we should not have had to go through the Windows 8 debacle!

Free Windows 9 For Some Isn’t Too Crazy | TechCrunch:

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Google Maps and distance

Just a little Google Maps tip worth knowing ...
It works very well and even gives you 500 m and 1 Km etc markers as you progress along your chosen route. Try moving the intermediate points where you change directions!

Google Maps can now tell you the exact distance between two points | The Verge:

Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Google's Larry Page and Sergey Brin chat ...
Despite the poor sound quality of this video and, in my opinion, a wasted opportunity for a very rare chat with Larry Page and Sergey Brin, it is worth a look, if only to get some idea of the two key people behind Google.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin on what's next for Google | The Verge:

Google Now Is Killer App

Google Now is made for Android Wear ...
As I predicted, 2014 is the year of smartwatches and wearable computing. There are so many makes and models out there, many around the $250 to $350 mark. Only Apple's contribution will miss 2014 - although announced, it will not be available until sometime in 2015. Google Now seems so right for smartwatches - appropriate notifications on your wrist to save you struggling to check your smartphone every time it pings!

Google Now Is The Killer App For Android Wear | TechCrunch:

Chrome OS catching eyes

Chromebooks gaining traction in enterprise ...
Windows XP end-of-life and the unpopularity of Windows 8 is a huge opportunity for Google's Chromebook and they seem to be taking advantage. Even Microsoft thinks that Chromebooks are "work-worthy"!

Google says Chrome OS catching eyes in the enterprise - Computerworld:

Microsoft to unveil Windows?

There's a few that would like to rename Windows ...
But I doubt that Microsoft would be too happy about the name chosen! So what is it to be? Windows, Windows 9, Windows One? This is the company that rename Outlook Express to Windows Mail to Live Mail and then changed the name of Hotmail to so I guess anything is possible!

Microsoft expected to unveil new Windows name next week | The Verge:

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Windows Event - September 30th

Windows 9 to preview on September 30th ...
Looks like Microsoft is going to show us Windows 9 very soon. Then it will be all about burying Windows 8!

Microsoft Confirms Its Windows Event Will Take Place On September 30th | TechCrunch:

Windows 9 Notification Area

Third leaked video of new Notification Area ...
Last but not least a leaked video showing the new Notification Area of Windows 9.

Leaked Windows 9 video shows new Notification Center in action | The Verge: